Drumroll please
Your quiz result is here!
Your style is a powerhouse of creative imagination.
You love new experiences and adventures. Passsion and innovation run in your blood.
You have a dynamic mind with a flair for problem-solving and creative thinking.
Your signature style is transformation.
You’re an expressive maker, unafraid of change.
This means you are a pioneer. Brave, courageous, intrepid.
3 Danger Zones
You often have too many ideas in that creative head. Focus on the most important ones that have the greatest potential to fly and succeed.
Sometimes you can be too much of a perfectionist. Loosen up a bit but keep your vision clear. With strategic planning you can open doors to endless possibilities.
Set aside time for relaxation. This doesn’t mean being lazy, uncreative and unproductive. It means finding the right thing to help you achieve your specific goal.
The Downside of Being a Creative Trailblazer
Overwhelm – both in ideas and emotions! This can leave you feeling pulled in a million directions and can dilute your focus.
But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Let me show you how to move forward with purpose.
#1 Find your focus and build a strong brand that is able to clearly communicate who you are, what you do and why you do it.
#2 Take smart strategic steps that will deliver long-lasting results.
#3 Remember that transformation is about potential and possibilities. Unlock them and you have a glimpse of what could be.
Hi, I’m Lily,
Creative Brand Storyteller,
Instagram and Business Mentor.
For the last three years I’ve helped interiors enthusiasts, designers, stylists, business owners and social media influencers clarify their goals, start their business and build their brands from scratch.
And I’ve done it without complicated technology, hundreds of hours trying to figure things out yourself and spending thousands on fees and business start-ups.
I’m so happy you’re here and I want you to know, whether you’re stuck in a rut with business and Instagram or thinking your’e not good enough to ever succeed, I’m here to help.
Ready for a breakthrough…feel super-charged and inspired…and start growing now?
Let me show you something that can build your brand and increase your online visibility.
Everything I did to grow my Instagram account to 100k+ and turn my Insta hobby into a business in a book.
Here’s what some Instagrammers have said about it…