Drumroll please
Your quiz result is here!
Your style is a powerhouse of cheer and charisma.
You bring joy in everyday with your glass-half-full outlook.
Your natural enthusiasm and sense of humour effortlessly offer support and friendship to those in need.
Your signature style is open-mindedness.
You’re fun, spontaneous and attentive.
This means you are great at bringing abundant energy, spurring others to be their best.
3 Danger Zones
You’re a natural giver but be careful of burning out. Clear and smart strategies will help you keep going without snuffing that flame.
Sometimes you feel the pressure to perform. Don’t be afraid to show some vulnerability. But choose it wisely.
You are content where you are now but can’t help but wonder what’s next. Find the right inspiration that will motivate you to move forward.
The Downside of Being an Enthusiastic Hobbyist
You can wonder about the “what ifs” and what your future could look like were you to take the next step, dive into a new adventure and dare to dream.
But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Let me show you how to take that next step.
#1 Find the right inspiration to help you focus your gaze on that dream goal.
#2 Have a simple yet effective strategy that gets you started and empowers you to stay on track.
#3 Remember that you don’t start with confidence. Confidence is not a requirement for success nor for starting out. Confidence grows with every step.
Hi, I’m Lily,
Creative Brand Storyteller,
Instagram and Business Mentor.
For the last three years I’ve helped interiors enthusiasts, designers, stylists, business owners and social media influencers clarify their goals, start their business and build their brands from scratch.
And I’ve done it without complicated technology, hundreds of hours trying to figure things out yourself and spending thousands on fees and business start-ups.
I’m so happy you’re here and I want you to know, whether you’re stuck in a rut with business and Instagram or thinking your’e not good enough to ever succeed, I’m here to help.
Ready to take the first next step… feel super-charged and inspired… starting now?
Let me show you something that can build your brand and increase your online visibility.
Everything I did to grow my Instagram account to 100k+ and turn my Insta hobby into a business in a book.
Here’s what some Instagrammers have said about it…
Get your hands on InstaMADE for £9!